Friday, September 17, 2010

Num-bah 2, Derek's a Cheater, Num-bah 2

(BOD - Sara Carbonero; thanks to CH)

Bob Sheppard’s honey-dipped voice must be spinning around in his grave after Derek Jeter’s actions against the Tampa Bay Rays on Wednesday night. For someone who is always lauded for ‘playing the game the right way’, Jeter’s actions were despicable and an affront to the wonderful game of baseball.

For those of you who don’t know, a pitch was delivered to Jeter high and tight. He was unable to get out of the way and the ball struck the knob of his shaft (on the bat; get your minds out of the gutter).

However, it all happened so fast that the umpire thought the ball hit Jeter on the hand when he tried to jump out of the way. Now, if the episode just ended there, with Jeter quietly taking his base upon the umpire’s directions, then I would have no issue with the sequence whatsoever.

Unfortunately, Mr. Yankee, Derek Jeter, did not go quietly into the night. He hopped around the home plate area shaking his fist like a 12 year old who just discovered his penis for the first time. He grimaced in pain and engaged in all sorts of embarrassing histrionics.

Captain America even called the trainer out to look at his phantom injury. It was really quite the acting performance. Jeter’s pop tart, Minka Kelly, should have taken some notes.

Jeter got his free base and the next batter hit a two run home run. Luckily, the baseball Gods abhorred Jeter’s actions and forced the Yankees to ultimately lose the game and their division lead in one fell swoop.

Number 2 even had the audacity to shrug the entire situation off after the game with a stupid, shit-eating grin stapled to his pretty boy face. With instant replay so readily available, everyone on the continent knows that Jeter is a liar and a faker.

I’ve never liked the guy, but I always had begrudging respect for him. Not anymore. He’s a bum. I hope he never gets to 3000 hits and contracts some new super strain of VD.

Plus, I’ve had to listen to a plethora of talking heads commend Jeter for being ‘smart.’

What the fuck?

If A-Rod did the same thing, every media personality in the world would be trying to burn him at the stake. Bud Selig would probably suspend him for fifty games and we’d have to protect our children from Rodriguez’s abhorrent behaviour.

It’s ridiculous. And now my left arm hurts.

Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he watched a little too much World Cup this summer and is now acting like those players.