The movie portion of this week's podcast is all about Field of Dreams. There's lots to discuss about one of the only movies where it's socially acceptable for men to cry while watching.
One caveat: if anyone is related to Amy Madigan (Annie Kinsella) or the guy who plays Kevin Costner's father should probably just not even listen to the podcast. It gets ugly.
Talkin' with Tewks Live - Field of Dreams
There will be a new format with the podcasts. As we discussed last week, each week the recording will be split into two parts: sports talk and then a dissection of an iconic movie. Instead of posting both recordings to the blog on Tuesdays, we're going to split it up.
Tuesday will be the sports podcast day and Thursday will be the movie day.
In today's recording, CSzem and I discuss the Terelle Pryor suspension, the improprieties at the University of Miami and the benefits of being a Division I college football as a whole. It wouldn't be a podcast about college sports ethics without talking about sex parties. Both CSzem and I are currently working on somehow returning to our first in university with football talent.
Talkin' with Tewks Live - College Sports Ethics