Monday, August 9, 2010

Talkin' with Tewks Live: The Dog Days of August

(BOD - Helen Hunt)

The original plan for today's podcast was to take an all encompassing look at the baseball season thus far. However, after the weekend the Toronto Blue Jays just had, CSzem and I weren't able to get past Canada's team.

We mostly fawned over JP Arencibia and the Jays phenomenal pitching staff. Although, we still had time to discuss the following:

- David Duchovny and his stint on Red Shoe Diaries
- ARod's manliness or lack thereof
- Getting a date with female celebrities and taking a fastball in the chops
- The Anonymous posters

Talkin' with Tewks: The Dog Days of August


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I usually don’t listen to these, but given that it was mentioned in the write up that you were going to say something about the anonymous postings and that I commented on it I listened to that part.

Your response was what I expected and I stand by what I said last week. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and in mine I consider it to be hypocritical to disparage someone for not putting a name when you don’t use your real names. Maybe the other person just couldn’t be bothered to make some silly nickname. One could argue they’re kind of childish. Either way you both are doing the same thing – not identifying who you really are to the other readers.

Besides if you don’t care what they say and gladly take comments good or bad what difference does it make if they use a name? Say the person used the designation Steve as you suggested – how does that change anything? Doesn’t change their comment and if what you say is true doesn’t impact your reaction to it. I suspect if they said they loved it not using a name wouldn’t be a problem. I recall an anonymous someone saying they loved Tewks and while a name would have been preferred I know him well enough to know he will take the compliment either way.

Admit it you want people to put a name so that you can see if it’s someone you know. Hmmm maybe it’s because you want to know if they can kick your ass before you counter with an insult in the guise of what you consider to be a clever rejoinder…