Monday, May 10, 2010

Talkin' with Tewks Live

With my unparalleled powers of persuasion (how else am I able to seduce women into the boudoir?), I was able to coerce CSzem into recording another podcast on the NHL playoffs even though Les Habitants appear to be on their last legs.

Not only did we dissect each second round series thus far, but we have a discussion on Dallas Braden's perfect game yesterday afternoon and how happy A-Rod must have been to see the highlights on television. Also, at the end of the podcast, we talk about what's on tap for the rest of the summer in terms of blog coverage.

There is lots of stuff happening and the twenty minutes will just fly by. Enjoy.

Talkin' with Tewks Live - NHL Playoffs

As I teased in the man-cation review podcast last week, Gretzpo and I recreated the epic beach run scenes from Rocky III while we were in Cuba. I've been hard at work mashing clips together from the actual movie and our 'Blair Witch type' footage.

Considering I am a moron when it comes to computers, I actually think it turned out fairly well. Remember, I am playing Apollo Creed and Gretzpo is playing Rocky. The reasoning stems from our Pueto matches. Gretzpo has power, but lacks fitness and speed. I have it in spades, evidenced by my victory in six matches.

Therefore, I (as Apollo) am trying to train Gretzpo (Rocky) how to Pueto like me.

"You Pueto great, but I'm a great Pueto-er."


Anonymous said...

Good Lord. Sure your sanity is in constant question, but why does your buddy get sucked into these? Do you have something even more embarrassing on him that you can get him to do these things? What would it be that doing things like that actually seems less embarrassing?

Or did he kill someone and you know where the body is? Come on you can tell me.

I would kill to be sitting there watching you two goofs when you are doing this stuff. I would be laughing so hard I would probably fall off my seat and have tears streaming down my face.


Shan said...

AG - I get the pleasure of watching CSzem do this silly podcast every week, and often find myself in fits of laughter because of it. It's quite amusing.

Tewks - I CANT WAIT for the Bachelorette, and indeed youre readership will increase...and likely, they will all be pregnant, or new moms.

Thanks for the love to the mom's boys!