Monday, October 25, 2010

Format Change: More Scandals and Animals

(BOD - Jenna Jameson)

Exactly one year ago, I made the decision to escape Gretzpo’s sports blog tyranny and create my own, infinitely more successful sports and pop culture blog. Back then, I made a conscious effort to move away from the one column a week opus I had been producing and try my hand at posting articles every day.

I wanted to see if I had the talent and writing chops to write entertaining material day in and day out (save statutory holidays and heterosexual man-cations to the Caribbean). And, I think, for the most part I was able to achieve my goal. The hits and visits to this site have increased substantially since I made the switch. And I proved to myself that, when facing time constraints, I can produce funny and witty writing.

That being said, I’ve found my commitment level and overall desire to produce such journalistic excellence waning over the past few months. When a topic drew my ire or really fired me up, I had no problem writing passionately about the subject. However, some days there was literally nothing interesting to discuss and I was forced to mail in a handful of columns. It wasn’t enjoyable for me anymore.

I need a new challenge, a new outlet for my skills. That’s why I’ve decided to once again reboot and retool the Talkin’ with Tewks blog. The reasons for the switch are outlined above, but I’m also in the process of starting a new writing-related venture that is going to take up a lot of more of my time. Details are still in the infancy, but everything should be up and running by the second week of November (after the World Series is over). It will not be affiliated with this blog, but will be linked to Talkin’ with Tewks and I’ll ensure it’s promoted heavily in this space.

Thus, new posts here will be scaled back starting this week. There will still be a podcast once a week (posted on Tuesday mornings) and I will continue to write one larger (800-1000 words) column each and every week. The day of posting is not set in stone, but will depend on the stories permeating out of the sports and pop culture world.

What I’m aiming to do is to have new stuff posted at least twice a week; more if time permits and something really strikes my interest. For example, this week I’m posting today, podcast tomorrow, and then I will be covering Games 1 and 2 of the World Series.

Also, I’m extending an olive brach to regular readers of this blog. If there’s an issue you feel passionate about and don’t want your thoughts lost in the comments section, send me an article and I will post it. About whatever your little hearts’ desire as long as it’s entertaining, grammatically correct and somehow relevant to sports and popular.

I’m sure most of you think you can do what I do much better than I can (and, really, who could blame you?), so here’s the chance to prove it.

There you have it: the beginning of phase 3 of Talkin’ with Tewks.

Fasten your seatbelts.

World Series preview tomorrow.

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