Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Bachelorett: Finale

(BOD - Ali)

And we’re back from a terrific long weekend. Baseball left me with mixed emotions, as did the tennis, but all of that is covered in the short podcast CSzem and I recorded on Saturday morning. You can listen to it here: Talkin' with Tewks Live: Tennis Grudge Match.

More importantly, it is the finale of Ali’s season of The Bachelorette. We’ve come a long way and Ali is going to pick a seemingly decent guy at the end. Hopefully this episode doesn’t disappoint like last week. I am joined this week by Rambo, so let’s get to the recap:

8:08 – I have wasted countless minutes of my time watching this show rehash the same footage over and over again. Why do the producers think ardent fans like me (and millions of women and gay men) want to watch the same crap we’ve seen all season? Just give us some new stuff and cut the finale down to an hour.

8:14 – Seeing Ali and her exquisite beauty in Bora Bora makes me horny horny.

8:16 – This is Ali’s biological family? Seriously? She certainly hit the Powerball numbers in that genetic lottery.

8:17 – Why are the ugly sister and brother pulling Roberto away for a chat? Who gives a shit what those wieners think?

8:19 – Ali’s mom is completely smitten with the Latin Lothario. Truthfully, who wouldn’t be? This might be the easiest ‘meet the family’ ever. I’m considering having him to my house to meet the family Tewks.

8:26 – I like how the producers tried to make it seem like Ali’s dad was going to play the bad cop when Roberto asked his permission to propose. Like the guy was going to say no. He probably would have offered some sort of dowry to sweeten the deal for Roberto.

8:32 – Is Chris actually bringing a basket of unwashed fruit as a gift for her family?

8:35 – “I’m a teacher also.” No one cares Ali’s ugly sister. She must absolutely hate Ali. How could you try to compete with that your whole life?

8:36 – Jesus, Ali’s mom needs to refine her bedside manner. So, tell us about your dead mom, Chris. Is that really any of her business?

8:45 – Sister Tewks believes there is an incestuous relationship between Ali’s sister and brother. I’m inclined to agree.

8:47 – What the hell is Chris talking about? The question was: do you love my daughter. How does that turn into a five minute soliloquy? It’s yes or no.

8:49 – I love how Ali is in a bikini and the two mutants are covered up. They must have zero self confidence being around that hotness all of their lives.

8:52 – “Her butt’s dirty” – Rambo. Glad you could be here.

8:57 – The show should really have a disclaimer if they’re going to have an HD close-up of Ali’s brother’s face.

8:58 – Someone shut the sister up.

9:05 – “Oh my God, he’s touching me, he’s touching me” – Ali with a look of disgust. That’s what happens to me every time I go to a bar.

9:09 – “This is completely unrealistic. These dates are too perfect. I bet they don’t even film when Ali’s on her period.” – Rambo

9:14 – “Speak English, girlie. Proper.” – Rambo admonishing Ali on her speaking skills. Ok then.

9:16 – I’m calling bullshit. There’s no way Roberto made that gay picture frame or wrote that speech. I’ll bet a production assistant did it.

9:20 – Wait, is she having sex with Roberto again? Is that even allowed? Chris has a negative chance of winning this thing. Poor guy.

9:23 – So is Ali going to do a walk of shame from Roberto’s room to go see Chris for their date?

9:25 – Holy shit, is she going to break up with Chris right now?

9:26 – Chris knows he’s done. The dude’s heart is breaking.

9:27 – Jesus, this is actually tough to watch.

9:30 – Both of them handled this very well. If I was her, I would have just sent him a text. If I was him, I would have thrown her off the balcony.

9:31 – Wait, I take that back. “Can I have a hug?” No, Ali, you can’t have a hug and don’t tell me to ‘hang in there’. You can go fuck yourself instead.

9:33 – “That’s a fake rainbow” – Rambo. Wow, you are heartless.

9:34 – Chris is just crushing this exit interview. It’s like his Bachelor audition tape. Well played, my man.

9:43 – This is pretty anticlimactic.

9:44 – Oh, we were so close to some Ali full frontal nudity. That would have been the highlight of my summer.

9:47 – That Step Up 3D movie looks like the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Although, it has given me a great answer the next time someone says, “Tell me about yourself?” My response: “Everything you need to know about me is in my dancing.”

9:52 – Christ, Roberto looks like he’s going to melt. Someone get the guy a towel.

9:55 – Elton John with Can you Feel the Love Tonight. Now this is a song. Much better than that On the Wings of Love crap from last season.

Now it’s time for the After the Final Rose special. What did you think of the finale? Post thoughts to comments.


Anonymous said...

Podcast- fuck you two are boring.

Ali – it was all over the news on the weekend how she was caught with a football player already. Where do they find these lying skanks and why do they pick them to be on the show?

Oh I love Roberto sooo much…wait what does the cue card say I’m supposed to say I can’t see it from here.

Jenn said...

So is it sad that my first thought when they played "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" was 'I wonder what Tewks will say about THAT'.

I really was hoping they would towel Roberto off during the final rose. That was kind of gross.

CSzem said...

My apologies to "Anonymous" (way to facelessly throw an insult out there....that always takes a lot of guts) for our lacklustre podcast. Maybe if Tewks had put up a fight in our match, it would have made for some more interesting banter.

The quality and quantity of my contributions regarding The Bachelorette have obviously taken a nosedive recently (although it's arguable as to whether the quality was ever there), and not much of that is going to change this week.

My two favourite lines from last night:

Ali - "I love getting on machines that go really fast."

And later....
Chris - "At the end of the day....it's huge."

Congrats to Tewks on the revelation that Roberto (er, I mean Ali) is single once again. There's hope for you buddy....

Carissa said...

Haha you guys and girls are funny.

ABC does a really good job of selling this show. I like how it ended. Now hopefully they won't chose the next Bachelor from this season so I can stop watching altogether. I got roped in by watching Deanna's season and it trickled down from there.

I wonder if Jillian and Ed are still together?

Thanks for the laughs this season.
The Bachelor Pad looks scandalous!

Shan said...

hahahahahaha sorry - I would have thrown her off a balcony too!

I made notes - aren't you proud Tewks?!

# of times "I gave up everything..." was referenced - 5

I love that Ali's mom talked spanish to Roberto! Classy!! and yes, she loves him!

Roberto brought a fruit basket too, I think anyhow. Ridiculous and completely set up, clearly.

Has Ali EVER in her life in California been to an aquarium? What the hell idd she expect feeding stingrays in the ocean was going to be like?! Moron!

I started really disliking her as she walked to Chris' cabana, clearly in the same clothing that she was wearing on her date with Roberto...quick jewellry change and she was good to break a guys herat. Chris as the next Bachelor, yes please! I want to know what the tattoo on his ribs says!

I sooooo wanted Roberto to NOT propose! What a biatch!

Anonymous said...

I have no comment on the podcast or that imbecilic show; however, I always find it rather amusing when people start calling others cowards for not using a name in the comments section. I have seen Tewks do it in past entries as well. While I may choose to put my initials or my name it doesn’t mean everyone has to. I’m pretty sure that the vast majority of people who post comments are not using their real names - how is that not just as cowardly? Why CSzem? Why not just put down your real name Colin? Don’t want people to know who you are? Tewks, Rambo, He who hits bombs….these are their real names? I don’t think so.

I really don’t see the difference between not putting a name and using a fake name?

Just saying.

Allan G