Monday, July 12, 2010

Talkin' with Tewks Live: Soccer's Over and LeBron Thoughts

(BOD - Anna Paquin)

Highlights from today's podcast:

- Final World Cup thoughts
- Lots of LeBron talk
- The wooing of a Hollywood starlet

Talkin' with Tewks Live



Shan said...

First off, screw you and your bandwagon. Do you have an Argentina shirt to express your "love" for said team? No...? I didn't think so!

Okay.. this whole Rachel mcAdams thing is getting out of hand. I am friends with CSzems co-worker (we worked together as well) and I highly highly doubt this will ever be taken seriously. K will laugh her butt off when she hears about it, and really...2012 wedding? That's confidence Tewks, and while I admire's also slightly delusional!

Anonymous said...

You’re pathetic. Rachel has access to all of those leading men in Hollywood, but she is going to drop all of that to meet you - an unemployed wannabe actor who still lives with his parents at 25 whose biggest goal is to be on the bachelor.

Ya that spells keeper. Who could possibly resist. Heck I will marry you right now.

CSzem said...

Tewks, is it just me, or are you excited that someone other than my wife evidently listened to the whole podcast???