Friday, July 16, 2010

Rocky Tribute

(BOD - Lauren Pryor)

Those of you who are devoted readers to the blog will recall that Gretzpo and I embarked on a road trip to Philadelphia to watch Roy Halladay throw a gem against the Jays. A true pilgrimmage to Philly cannot be complete without a tribute to the greatest fictional boxer in sports history, Rocky Balboa.

I'm ashamed to admit that Gretzpo and I almost cancelled our visit to the Philadelphia Museum of Art (home of the iconic Rocky steps) due to traffic concerns. Luckily, we decided to soldier on and managed to pay our respects to the true people's champion.

Where most people would be satisfied with a picture from the top of the steps to document their journey, Gretzpo and I aren't most people (as we showed during our recreation of the homoerotic beach run from Rocky III; see it here).

Thus, we decided to create another tribute video, this time to Rocky's training for his first bout with Apollo Creed. We spent a good thirty minutes storyboarding this idea and shooting the various shots you are about to witness. While Gretzpo has embraced Crossfit, he still has a long way to go before he can catch the big dog in the yard (i.e. yours truly).

Therefore, Gretzpo plays the part of Rocky when he's in terrible shape and I play the part of Rocky when he's in great shape.



Shan said...

you guys are slightly ridiculous, however that was very entertaining to a sleep deprived mom of a 1month old.

my favourite part was the squatted hops with the branch...

Anonymous said...

Slightly? That is the understatement of the day.

Gretzpo why do you let him talk you into doing these? Sure I know that sometimes we do things for our “significant others” that maybe we would prefer not to do, but you know you he will put it out there for all the world to see. Sure his grasp on reality is tenuous at the best of times, but one would hope at least one of you is leaning towards the sane. Of course given the video evidence provided we have no choice but to rule you are both whack jobs.


ac said...

What a couple of dorks. What you couldn't find two dozen kids to chase you through the streets Tewks? Or was it you chasing them through the streets as they flocked back to their parents? I look forward to the Rocky 4 montage when you climb the tallest mountain in Russia and pull sleds through four ft snowbanks with Gretzpo in tow.