Monday, March 8, 2010

Talkin' with Tewks Live: Proud to be Canadian

Before listening to today's podcast, I have to ask all of you to do a little research first. CSzem and I discuss the following two articles at length. The first details the idiocy of an American journalist who had the gall to compare Canada's patriotism at the Olympics to Nazi Germany (I'm not kidding).

Read it here.

The second discusses the moronic suggestion circulating around Parliament that the lyrics of 'O Canada' need to be changed to make it more "gender-sensitive" towards women. I can't make this crap up.

It's not hard to figure out where we stand on the above articles.

Talkin' with Tewks Live - Recorded March 7 2010

Post thoughts to comments.


Robert Stanley Weir said...

Breaking News: Women are gaining control of Canada one song at a time!

It’s a frightful day for Canadian men, as the women of our nation seem to have created a ‘moronic’ frenzy in an attempt to be seen as equals through the scripture of our National Anthem. Why on earth would more than half of the population of Canada feel they have a right to be represented? Ludicrous! Especially after the hard working men of Parliament went through the trials and tribulations of having the lyrics modified in the 1980s from a gender neutral “Thou dost in us command,” to male oriented “In all thy son’s command”.

The women of our nation have clearly lost their minds! It is the duty of Canadian men to put an end to this madness before we end up with a female Prime Minister and our sons are forced to stay home and care for their children and bake tuna casseroles. We men must stand together through this upheaval; the future of our manhood depends on it.

Shan said...

Allright - as a Canadian woman...I think what that lady wants is ridiculous.

To Mr. Weir who commented that women of our nation have clearly lost their minds - go screw yourself. (I'm pregnant, so excuse the hormones). Don't generalize all Canadian women alongside this broad who is being ridiculous.

The national anthem is fine - there's no need to change the lyric so that it is more inclusive of both genders. It's a damn song.

I'm hoping that Mr. Weir is being sarcastic in his response to you Tewks (or that you don't personally know him) because he sounds like an ass.