Friday, March 12, 2010

Survivor Recap: Heroes vs Heroes

What a great episode last night. Although, the stupidity and illogical thought processes of the Heroes tribe has me concerned for their sanity over the next three weeks.

What is going on with that tribe? It’s almost like they want the Villains to walk all over them at the merge. They constantly bicker back and forth and are more concerned with keeping their alliances than forming a strong tribe capable of, you know, actually winning a challenge.

Contrast their backbiting and pursuit of individual gain with the Villians’ cohesive, well-oiled unit. I mean the Villains were a guitar away from singing Kumbaya at the beginning of the episode. How Coach convinced the entire tribe (sans Russell) to take a Tai Chi lesson from him I will never know, but it’s indicative of how well their tribe is currently working together.

Maybe it’s because I’m a man, but I do not understand the wild reaction provided by the ladies when Probst told them of the chocolate reward. Really? Chocolate is going to get you that fired up?

I loved Colby’s reaction when Probst handed him the small pieces of chocolate as a tease. It was basically, “Get that shit away from me.” I would have done the exact same thing.

Speaking of the reward challenge, this may be in poor taste, but did anyone else find it funny that in a challenge that was basically a game of basketball, the black guy was the one who got hurt? Shouldn’t he have dominated that challenge?

What? I was the only one? Ok, moving on.

After James hurt his knee, Amanda said something extremely telling. Apparently, this is the second time a serious injury has felled James while playing Survivor.

Follow this train of logic: Steroids make you big and muscular. James is big and muscular. Steroids make your tendons and ligaments weaker because your body cannot adjust to that much muscle mass in a short period of time. James is taken down by a knee ligament.

Throw in his James’ bitch fit at the immunity challenge when he berated his blindfolded tribe members and it’s pretty evident that the guy is on the juice.

The Villains won the reward and got to ‘enjoy’ a chocolate feast. Was anyone else disgusted by the spread? That is the absolute last thing I would have wanted to eat. I guarantee every one of them puked their guts after eating all that crap.

Russell knighting Coach was one of the greatest things I have ever seen. Conversely, I really hate Parvarti. Can we agree that she is not hot? Her mouth looks like one of those carnival games when you have to shoot the water into the clown’s mouth.

The immunity challenge was great. It’s always fun to see blindfolded people try to complete simple tasks. The two best moments from that portion of the challenge were JT standing around by himself flailing at the air and Rob, after taking a few shots to the gut, walking around with one hand covering his junk.

How dumb are the Heroes? They have gotten destroyed in every challenge that requires just a modicum of brainpower. Are they really that bad at puzzles or are Boston Rob and the gang just that good?

The idiocy of the Heroes in the immunity challenge was surpassed only by their decision that James, with a full brace on his leg and unable to walk, was more beneficial from a physical standpoint than Tom.

Are you kidding me?

How could they even say that to Probst at Tribal Council with a straight face? You can tell Probst is getting fed up with this tribe as well. Their consistently stupid decisions are starting to piss him off as all of the drama built up through the season will be lost when the Heroes have one tribe member left at the inevitable merge.

It sucks that Tom was voted off. He will be missed. Colby is the only person I care about now on the Heroes tribe. I’ll give Tom the last words in the column, when he described James thusly: “All mass, no class.”

(Which is the same thing people say about my penis)

1 comment:

Shan said...

Admittedly, I was only half paying attention to the episode since we had some friends over.

Ther Heroes are starting to seriously piss me off, and noone likes a pissed off pregnant lady. You're absolutely right Tewks, they will get dominated once the merge happens.

The have no sense of team spirit, and I'm surprised that Rupert hasn't gone off on his own, built his own shelter in a tree and said to hell with the rest of them.

Oh, and by the way...chocolate releases the same endorphines as like chocolate! Mind you, I would have puked after eating it all...but it would have been worth it!

Lastly - you're wrong about the best part of the immunity challenge. It was watching Rob walk around blind folded, holding his baby-maker for fear of running into a huge puzzle piece. Personally, that was hilarious!