Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Talkin' with Tewks Live: Ali is Back in My Life

(BOD - If you don't know, you may as well just stop reading)

My life once again has meaning as The Bachelorette premiered last night in a fantastically entertaining episode.

I didn't write a running diary because there were way too many guys to keep track of and I need to work with a more manageable number. Plus, I didn't want to waste words on losers who got sent home the first night.

The live recaps will return in earnest next week, complete with CSzem's Vegas odds.

To tide you all over, CSzem and I recorded a podcast this morning on our thoughts on the premiere. Luckily, we both lasted way longer than Shooter. What a stupid move that was. The only way that would have been dumber is if someone nicknamed 'Tiny' went on the show.

"Why do they call you Tiny?"
"I have a small penis."
"Can I have my rose now?"

Talkin' with Tewks Live - The Bachelorette



Shan said...

hey Tewks - sorry I didn't make it for the podcast...sorta having a baby here.

Initially, I really liked Casey - until I saw him go crazy in the previews...we'll see how it shapes up.

Front runner in my opinion, is Chris from Cape Cod who's mom passed away a year and a half ago. He seems like such a sweet guy, really genuine and caring.

And I like Frank! He's a dork, but he's sweet!

Craig from Sarnia is a douche - really...does she know where Sarnia is!? She is NOT going to want to go there for the hometown dates! Get rid of him now!!!

Anonymous said...

Really not even a couple of sentences about the Montreal game in your write up? And you have the nerve to still have this referred to as a sports blog.