Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yummy Mummy

Last night, after watching House (a great episode by the way, much better than last week’s, which can only be described as craptastic), I was flipping through the channels searching for something to pique my interest.

I had no interest in Monday Night Football game as the Browns and Ravens engaged in an offensively-challenged contest only a mother could love. I don’t get the fascination with Brady Quinn. Sure, he’s a good looking dude and is very strong, but he completed more passes to guys on the sidelines than his actual receiving corps.

I stumbled upon Larry King Live and he was having a panel discussion on the 2008 Republican Vice-President nominee, Sarah Palin. The aim of the program was to discuss her new book and recent appearance on Oprah.

How hot is Sarah Palin? Look at the picture above. I mean she is absolutely smoking. I feel sorry for her daughters. It must suck for them to have a mother who is more desirable among males than they are. And it’s not even close. The daughter who got knocked up can’t hold a candle to the cougarific Palin.

The panel discussion revolved mostly around the possibility of Palin running for President in 2012. I’m indifferent to the idea but let me postulate something here. We all know beautiful women get whatever they want, especially from ugly men who are awkward around the fairer sex in the first place. You put Palin in the White House and she’ll be able to flirt her way into getting whatever she wants from other world leaders.

Do you think Kim Jong-il has ever talked to a woman who looks like Palin? Of course not. The guy’s a hobbit. Palin would have him abolishing his nuclear missile program and singing Give Peace a Chance from the White House front lawn after a 15 minute chat.

In the clips I saw from Palin’s interview with Oprah, she seems a lot more polished and articulate now than during the election, when she seemed to be flustered by all the media attention. Now she looks like a seasoned pro in front of the camera. She also had a pretty good sense of humour about a number of difficult topics, like her loser possible son-in-law posing for Playgirl.

If she keeps impressing me like this and keeps looking so fine, I may have to throw my considerable web influence behind the ‘Palin in 2012’ ticket.

There were a couple things about Larry King Live that made me laugh. King constantly pimped his blog and Twitter page, like he had an idea what they were. I’d be surprised if King knew how to work a touch tone phone.

Also, at the bottom of the screen, CNN kept promoting an article on its website about ‘5 Burning Questions with Oprah’s Trainer.’ Who in their right mind would take advice from this guy?

Um, yes I just have one question: why is your client still fat?

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