Monday, June 7, 2010

Talkin' with Tewks Live: Fractured Podcast

(BOD - Jennifer Lopez)

It's a recurring theme on this blog, but let me mention it again: I hate technology. CSzem and I recorded a great Blue Jays-related podcast this morning and when I went to listen to it back, CSzem's audio was nowhere to be found.

I could hear him perfectly throughout the recording, but it apparently disappeared into cyberspace immediately after we finished talking. It's a real shame too because this might have been the first time when he's actually made worthwhile contributions to this space.

I can't even contact CSzem to try to record our thoughts because there's a very real possibility that Baby CSzem will be entering the world at some point today. If that's the case, best of luck to the Family Szem.

In an effort to give you your first Tewks fix of the week, I managed to cobble together bits of my audio into a stream of consciousness rant about the 2010 Toronto Blue Jays.

Talkin' with Tewks Live - The Jays (One Man's Opinion)


1 comment:

Shan said...

Hey Tewks - no baby yet, but thank you for the well wishes! This time next week though...CSzem will be a dad! (how scary is that!)