Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Tribute: to the Greatest Sister in the World

Oh... so we're putting hot chicks' photos in our blog to try and boost readership? Allow me to kick off this post with a tribute to Margaret Thatcher: what? No one here finds power sexy?

I fear I may be suffering from a severe case of writer's block though: it all came to me in a dream I had recently:

I sit at my keyboard, just like I have dozens of times before. Armed with a University education and a flair for wit, I prepare to churn out another masterful column that will draw both praise and ire.

But something's wrong: the thoughts aren't coming to my head. I'm drawing a complete blank. I try and write a sentence about being unable to sexually satisfy a woman - not funny anymore. I write a sentence about Tewks and how he'll be living with his parents until he's 35: but it comes across as cruel and unfunny.

I can feel the bile rise from the top of my stomach into my esophagus: I feel like I did when I read that excerpt from Tewks' book: like I'm going to throw up.

I wake up in a cold sweat and realize it was all just a dream: if I was truly suffering from writer's block I could just take another 4 month hiatus from updating this site.

So what's going on in Gretzpo's world? My sister (and only sibling) is getting married on Saturday.

My sis is a cool chick: when I lived in Budapest for a year she came to visit me and we travelled together. She's more than a sister to me, she's my best friend. (Aw...)

When I was 16 she brought me out to her university town, and got me absolutely hammered for the first time in my life. She even stuck up for me when people were smoking in her apartment and I had to go to bed because I was having an asthma attack (I've gotten cooler). She even paid for the bottle of Febreeze we had to use on the futon I slept on because I threw up all over it.

So... here's to my sister and her awesome fiancee... may your adventures be numerous, and your happiness be boundless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you guys are getting funnier all the time - there must be some way to benefit from this obvious talent Dwight